المجلس الوطني الكوردي في سوريا

A statement regarding the arrests and raids in Derek and its villag

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A group of armed men surrounded the kurdish village “Bany Shkfty” ,near Iraq’sborder in the area of Derek in the Wednesday afternoon,10,04,2019.At the night ,the village was raided and they are looking for young people amid the threat and intimidation of the people ,where the armed group arrested four of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK-S),Bassam Abdel-Qader,Siban Mohammed Ahmed,Nuri Yousef Khangar and Rashid Mahtaj Omar and who are still in detention, also Mivan Abdullah Kalash .And the confiscation of a number of individaul weapons that were held by the people ,and spread fear among the villagers with the force af arms.
In addition to the calls and arrests of a number of members of the Yekiti Kurdistan’s party in Derek, Syria and release them after the insults and directing the words of betrayal against the members and leaders of the National Council of kurds in Syria as usual, in order to cover their political and administrative failure. We in the Kurdish National Council in Syria strongly condemn these terrorist practices against the Kurdish citizens ,in particular the members and cadres of the Kurdish National Council in Syria .We call on the international community, human rights organisations and kurdish parties to put an end to these horrific practice against militants and to launch our people.Release all the detainees of opinion and reveal the fate of the kidnapped , and that these practices servce only the enemies of our people and those who prey on him .And it will not discourage us from our struggle for the realization of the national rights of our kurdish people in kurdistan of Syria .

General Secretariat of the kurdish Nationl Council in Syria.

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